
He Put A Bar of Soap In The Microwave And A Minute Later It’s Wild.

A bar of ivory soap goes into the microwave. After two minutes on high heat, the door opens and what’s inside doesn’t resemble a bar of soap in the slightest. This is a result of Charles’ Law, or the law of volumes, which deals with the relationship of pressure, volume, and temperature of gas. Simply put, a gas will expand as the temperature increases. Thus, when this bar of soap goes in the microwave, the molecules of air inside it begin to expand. The end result is something I certainly didn’t see coming.

This BuzzFeed-produced video displays a few other science experiments that you can do at home. They don’t require any obscure ingredients and don’t have any dangerous side effects. These are great to do with children to teach them about the wonders of science. Watch the video below to see what happens when a bar of soap is heated or when an egg is dropped after soaking in vinegar. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section and share this video with your friends. Will you give any of these a try?
