Awesomeness Motivational

What’s On Your Bucket List? ​This 90-Year-Old Grandma Is Training To Be The 1st 100-Year-Old To Motorcycle Across The Country


When you find that ride or die chick that leaves nothing on the pavement but dust…then you know the heart & soul of Gloria Tramontin.

A New Jersey native, Tramontin is a 90-year-old, motorcycle riding grandma who’s already making plans to be the first 100-year-old to ride from coast to coast!

Kinda makes you wanna update your own bucket list, right? Gloria has been riding since she was 16. She rides from New Jersey to Daytona Beach, Fla., and from New Jersey to Sturgis, S.D., pretty much every year. She’s only 90 though…still a growing kid at heart, so her bucket list will have to wait until she gets older! #10moreyears

By that time, she’s gonna be pretty famous. She’s already making waves when she rides across country. Gloria’s a straight up celebrity in the motorcycle community.

“We spent so much time talking to people and taking pictures with them, we had to ride 80 mph to catch up on time,” Gloria said about her last ride to Sturgis.

We’re not suggesting riding a motorcycle 80 mph halfway across the country…but you’ve gotta admire this 90-year-old that does!

What’s on your bucket list?

Keep gettin’ it grandma Gloria!!!