
Florida Woman Glues Eye Shut, Is Refused Medical Treatment

LANTANA, Fla. —Katherine Gaydos says eight days ago a friend was blowing leaves with a leaf blower when a piece of debris landed in her eye. She asked the friend to quickly run to get some Visine. The friend handed her a bottle, but what she squirted into her eye was fingernail glue — not Visine.

“It’s stuck to my eyelids and my eyeball and it really hurts,” Gaydos said, who demonstrated trying to pull apart the tightly sealed eyelids.

Gaydos called 911 and went to a doctor, whom she said was treating her with antibiotic salve and ointment.

But Wednesday, eight days later, her eyelid is still tightly shut and she said the doctor told her he would no longer treat her unless she came up with payment.

“He was talking about doing surgery to try and save my eye, but now I don’t know what to do — I don’t have a job, no insurance or any money,” Gaydos said.

Gaydos, a single parent of two small children, said she was going to try to go to an emergency room at the hospital and see if she could get treatment.
