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Teen Boys Checking Out Hot Blonde In Car, But When She Mouths “Help Me” They Jump Into Action.

Aaron, age 19, and Jamal, 17, are two closest friends from Seagoville, Texas who recently became heroes after stumbling upon an unusual scene. The two friends were driving through Kaufman County, Texas– close Dallas– when they saw an attractive lady in the backseat of a car. They pulled up to her car, and right away felt that something was off. The lady seemed, by all accounts, to be mouthing the words, “Help me.” Aaron instantly called 9-1-1.

“I’m on the highway. I’m witnessing a robbery. Not a robbery, a kidnapping.” said Aaron in his 911 call. He explained: “So, we’re checking out the girl in the backseat because we’re like, ‘OK, she’s kind of attractive,’ and then all of a sudden the guy is turned back, looking at us. We looked in the backseat and the blonde female in the back was saying, ‘Help me,’ or something, whispering it.”

It turns out, the 25-year-old woman had been leaving an office party in Downtown Dallas when 37-year-old Charles Atkins Lewis kidnapped her at gunpoint, forcing her into his car and driving off.

Aaron and Jamal’s phone call led the police straight to the woman and her kidnapper, and Lewis has since been charged with aggravated kidnapping and aggravated robbery.

Aaron and Jamal– who love to play video games and are big fans of superheroes (Aaron has a Deadpool tattoo on his arm and Jamel has a Flash tattoo on his abdomen)– were overjoyed to hear that the woman was uninjured. Now they are being called heroes!

heck out the incredible 9-1-1 call below.

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Source: Inspiremore

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