Jus' Funny

They Start Filming From The Window. Now Watch What The Red Car Does…

Every driver knows there is an unspoken code on the road…

Can you imagine what a great world we’d live in if people actually followed it? Of course we only hear about bad drivers on the road. Drivers who think it’s ok to show off and speed through traffic or people like this woman who steal handicap spots from the people who actually need them! And don’t get me started on drunk drivers! There is a special place you know where for people like this menace on the road…

You never really hear about the small-scale jerks on the road. The people who can cause a bad day by just cutting you off or stealing your parking spot, but in this next video, we finally see someone get revenge! Although we don’t know the background or history of this video posted to a YouTube page called “Cheng Deng,” we can all agree that what happens to this parking spot thief is absolutely amazing.

For whatever reason, people started filming a parking lot, where we see a driver in a red car start to pull into her spot, when someone in a white car sweeps on in. I won’t reveal what happens next, but believe me you’re going to want to see this!