
Upset That No One Responds to Friend’s Baby Shower Invite, What She Does Next Has Gifts Rolling In

Baby showers are supposed to be a joyful events, a celebratory way to shower a mom-to-be with love before her little one arrives.

Unfortunately, shortly before her baby shower, expectant mom Bailey Bealefield learned that no one had RSVPed ‘Yes’ to her party.

Even worse, Bailey’s best friend discovered that none of the items on Bailey’s registry had been purchased.


Not wanting her best friend’s special day to be ruined, she decided to do something about it.

So on her behalf, the best friend’s father-in-law posted on Reddit to enlist the help of his fellow Redditors.

The post reads:

“My best friend of more than 10 years is pregnant with a baby girl and her baby shower is this weekend. I just found out that no one is planning on coming except for me.

I went to her registry on Walmart today and it has 0 items purchased so far. She’s obviously upset that no one RSVP’d for her baby shower and because I’m the only one attending and I was hoping Reddit would be able to help cheer her up.

Her registry items range from $0.97 bottles all the way up to a $27 Nursery monitor. I know a few random acts of kindness would really make her day this Sunday.”

The Reddit community was quick to support the cause— all of the items on Bailey’s registry were purchased within days. But they didn’t stop there.


An Amazon wish list was created and, according to Scary Mommy, ninety-two of the ninety-three items on the wish list have been purchased this far.

Bailey’s best friend and her family had no idea the response would be so incredible. In fact, they woke up the morning of the shower to find boxes upon boxes blocking their front door.


Apparently, it wasn’t just people in the United States who participated in this selfless act.

Gifts arrived from all over the world— Canada, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Netherlands, and even Australia.

dAnd as it turns out, several friends and family members did turn up for the shower. But it was the incredible acts of kindness demonstrated by the Reddit community that completely floored Bailey.

“There are good people out there!” Baily said, “I’ve never felt so good in my life, my baby is going to be taken care of.”
