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You Have Been Using This Measuring Tape Hole Wrong Your Entire Life!

Measuring tape, the very old helper needs no introduction. We all have, at some point in our lives felt the need for using this little tool for various reasons. The most common of those reasons always happen to be measuring. You will be amazed to see what more this yellow tape serve you with. It has got its own physical science.

#1 Wanna know what is this hole for?


Using the hole, you can have accurate measurement!


All you have to do is to use screws and nails for the purpose! So, how does that happen?


Place the screw head in the void and measure in any direction you want. The best part is that you still have a hand free, to mark with.

#2 Reason behind the bottom edge of hook being corrugated!


It is tough to mark the correct spot you wish to drill!


This is when the hook comes into play.

Push the edge down and slide it side to side


You will see a visible line at the desired spot. Bingo!

#3 Reason behind the length specification on the casing


Just set the measuring tape and add the specification from the casing!


#4 Reason behind the hook setting in and out about a millimeter!


Measuring the inside or the outside edge can make a serious difference. The outside measurement being zero-point of inner angle while the inside measurement being zero-point of the outer angle. See for yourself!




