
‘Youngest Murderers in America’ Have Just Been Released From Prison—Here’s How They’re Doing Now…

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfwfhfhnMZw]

Floridians Curtis Jones and his sister Catherine were convicted of first-degree murder at the ages of 12 and 13, respectively, making them the youngest convicted murderers in the country.


They were sentenced to 18 years behind bars, after accepting a plea deal, for themurder of their father’s girlfriend, Sonya Speights.


The original case faced some criticism after both children claimed they had beensexually and physically abused, a claim that has held up to further scrutiny.

Now, the duo has served their sentence and are each being released from prison, mere days from one another.


Curtis, who was released on Tuesday, is now 29-years-old, while his sister is 30. She will be released on Saturday. They spent the bulk of their formative years in prison.


Curtis Jones, the youngest child to be tried for first-degree murder, is now a free man: http://t.co/ISTG8kCQ4Hpic.twitter.com/KCOectihdp

— CNN iReport (@cnnireport) July 28, 2015

Curtis Jones and his sister have never learned to drive a car or even to use something as ubiquitous as social media, according to a report by WFTV.

What has the duo been doing since being incarcerated in 1999?

Curtis Jones has become an ordained minister and his sister, Catherine, married a pen pal.

It must also be noted that, according to a report by the Florida Department of Corrections, Curtis Jones has not been disciplined for any rule infractions since 2008.

The duo has not offered any word as to what they’ll do next.
