Awesomeness Motivational

This Girl Is Being Bullied At The Bus Stop. Watch What The Adults Do Who Witness It..

Growing up is tough, but getting bullied while growing up makes it even more difficult.

1 out of 3 children will be bullied at some point in life. Whether it’s a physical or verbal attack, bullying damages self esteem – an already vulnerable aspect of adolescence.

So what would you do if you saw a little girl being bullied at a bus stop?a

An anti-bullying organization decided to do a social experiment that featured a little girl getting bullied by two older girls. The adult witnesses to the bullying had no clue it was a set-up; and their reactions to the bullying gave me chills.


Some of their reactions left me cheering, some left me crying, and some left me laughing. In general, the way these strangers stood up for the victim restored my hope in humanity.

Watch the video right now:
