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Ticks Now Carry A Virus More Deadly Than Lyme Disease – Here’s What You Need To Know!

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#1 A New Fatal Virus Found In The US
A quick-moving virus known to be spread by ticks has hit the Northeast and Great Lakes areas. Health officials report the virus has similar symptoms to Lyme disease, but is more severe and it’s without a cure.
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#2 Symptoms Occur Hours After Being Bitten
The dangerous tick borne virus in infected patients may cause them neurological damage due to inflammation of the brain, which then can lead to both encephalitis and meningitis.
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#3 Lyme Disease Is Serious BUT This Rare Disease Is Fatal
CBC News reported why this new disease is critical for people to be aware of, statistics show: “..approximately 10% of cases have led to death, with only 50 people affected in the U.S. each year (compared to the roughly 20,000 people who are affected by Lyme disease).” Jennifer Cirigliano says it’s taken her years to rid a serious case of lyme disease, she can’t imagine having a more difficult disease such as this new tick virus.
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#4 How Protect Yourself Against This Rare Disease
Chances of getting the virus from an infected tick are higher when outdoors or camping in affected areas. Be sure to follow the suggested guidelines to protect your family: 1) Avoid wooded and bushy areas with high grass. 2) Complete a full body check on yourself, children, and pets when spending time outdoors. 3) Carry and use bug spray.
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